Tuesday, May 9, 2017


It seems current events have many speculating what the future holds. An entitled self serving society emerges. A society where the car you drive is ultimately more important than taking care of your body in some instances. The truth of the matter is not everyone is responsible for their health conditions. Victims of combat are returning home mangled and in need of tremendous care. Babies are born needing several surgeries, assistance breathing. People are struck by vehicles, fall off horses etc, etc, etc...  The circumstances vary.  People need affordable health care period.


WOW! A profound look at life, in 4 minutes. You have to watch this -- and share it. We literally welled up with tears -- very rarely does that happen. 

The camera wanders and shows the inner lives of people around us as they do their daily tasks. Most of it is set in a hospital, where there is so much worry, sadness, some joy, bad news, good news, no news, anxiety, fear -- as in real life, but perhaps magnified.

We've all BEEN there - experienced at least one of these people's lives. Hence, the tears! It's so TRUE.

This short video is at once quiet, profound, powerful, true, simple -- and so supremely human. It was produced by the Cleveland Clinic, as an example of their regard for empathy.

It's a profound reminder: we ALL have our story. Others have theirs. We NEVER know. And to treat others with the benefit of the doubt, with courtesy, with compassion, with respect.

Everyone Matters! Join us at www.facebook.com/everyonematters

The video was first presented by Dr. Toby Cosgrove, CEO of the Cleveland Clinic, with the staff during his 2012 State of the Clinic address a few weeks back, on Feb. 27, 2013, and since posted on the clinic's website. 

Here's the link to the Cleveland Clinic: http://my.clevelandclinic.org/default...

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